EMF stands for Electromagnetic Fields. Electromagnetic fields are generated from electricity flowing through any electronic device. These fields exist around wires and radiate into space from antennae on radio towers and wireless devices, such as cellphones and wi-fi routers. The prevalence of EMF in the modern world is astounding, set to increase along with our usage of these devices. If we are to continue using technology to convenience our life, we need to learn how to do so responsibly in order to mitigate the effects our usage has on our long-term health.
The first step is to educate yourself on what EMF is, its impact on our biology, and where it is found in your daily life. This blog will cover some of these basics.
Understanding EMF:
It is important to realize that EMF is around us at all times, almost everywhere we go. As earlier stated, devices like wi-fi devices, bluetooth speakers, GPS systems, cell phone towers, radio towers, and ultrasound devices all emanate EMF. To understand why this happens, we’d have to deep dive into the science behind the processes. However, to simplify, when we create an electrical charge to power these commonly used devices, electronic components perform various tasks resulting in electric fields, magnetic fields, and radio frequency fields. While these interactions create helpful opportunities for us to communicate, analyze, and entertain ourselves, prolonged exposure to these fields also causes interactions within our bodies and all biological life.
As electromagnetic fields increase in frequency, their energy also increases, meaning their ability to interact with and affect matter and our bodies increases. Some of the well known frequencies we are cautioned about are Ionizing radiation such as X-rays and gamma rays, which can do considerable damage to our cells. However, non-ionizing radiation with its lower frequency has long been believed to be harmless to biological life, but modern research provides alarming evidence of impacts on our health.
The range of electromagnetic radiation talked about here has long been believed to be harmless to biological life, but modern research provides much evidence of harm, even at low energy. Sources of manmade radiation include power lines, wiring in homes, appliances, electronic devices, wi-fi devices, bluetooth devices, GPS devices, cell phone towers, radio towers, and ultrasound devices.
EMF and Health:
Current research has linked a number of detrimental health effects to low frequency, non-ionizing EMF exposure. Cancer risks, fertility and reproductive issues, neurological effects, developmental problems, and heart complications have all been linked to long term EMF exposure. Headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, memory issues, and trouble focusing are all commonly reported side effects of EMF exposure. The impact of EMF exposure on humans, animals, and plants continue to be studied around the world.
EMF research on health goes back to the late 1970s when public concern about power lines and electrical appliances began to increase. Some landmark studies found links between power lines and childhood leukemia, leading the scientific community to explore many possible associations between EMF and health. In 1998, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) created guidelines based on the research available at that time. Canada has adopted these guidelines under Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 (the USA's FCC has done the same), and to this day still aligns with the ICNIRP’s 1998 findings. These guidelines are only based on nerve stimulation and tissue heating after 30 minute exposures, and the recommended safe levels far exceed what has been shown to be harmful in lab settings around the world. After decades of new research and pressure from scientists and organizations, the ICNIRP and Health Canada refuse to adopt stricter guidelines to protect public health. This leaves the responsibility of protecting our health and development in the public’s hands.
Exposure In Daily Life:
The most common sources of EMF in everyday life exist in the home or workplace. Wired and wireless devices alike are constantly surrounding us while awake and asleep, exposing us to EMF 24 hours per day. We keep smartphones attached to us at all times, which emits cellular, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, and GPS frequencies. Other major sources of EMF are Wi-Fi routers, cell phone towers, power lines, computers, laptops, smart devices, and appliances. These devices are usually in close proximity to our bodies, causing us stress on the cellular level.
Some EMF reducing strategies include:
1. Removing as many wireless devices from your area as possible.
2. Converting all wireless devices to hardwired internet connections.
3. Relocating the Wi-Fi router away from your area.
4. Keeping plugged in appliances away from you.
5. Charge phones and laptops away from your body.
6. Limit time spent around cell phone towers and power lines.
Many other strategies exist for reducing or eliminating EMF from your daily life.
Electromagnetic fields surround us in modern times, generated by the flow of electricity from electronic devices, and radiate outwards from various sources. Advancing technology leads us towards increasing EMF radiation exposure, creating greater concern for our health and development. Despite mounting evidence of EMF radiation linked to health effects, Health Canada and the ICNIRP are very slow to adopt updated guidelines. Research has been associating long-term EMF exposure with tumor growth and cancers, fertility problems, neurological complications, and heart issues. It is essential to be aware of the dangers EMF exposure can cause, and work to reduce everyday exposure. Spectra Shielding specializes in EMF detection and EMF reduction strategies. Obtain the aid of a professional, or continue to research ways to make practical changes to your environment. Minimize time spent around high-EMF sources like Wi-Fi devices, cell phone towers, and power lines to help your body stay in good health.